A cattle herder and his family who reside in the dunes of Timbuktu find their quiet lives — which are typically free of the Jihadists determined to control their faith — abruptly disturbed. A look at the brief occupation of Timbuktu by militant Islamic rebels.

Genre: Drama Actors: Abel Jafri, Adel Mahmoud Cherif, Cheik A.G. Emakni, Damien Ndjie, Djié Sidi, Fatoumata Diawara, Hichem Yacoubi, Ibrahim Ahmed, Kettly Noel, Layla Walet Mohamed, Mamby Kamissoko, Mehdi A.G. Mohamed, Omar Haidara, Salem Dendou, Toulou Kiki, Weli Cleib, Yoro Diakité, Zikra Oualet Moussa Directors: Abderrahmane Sissako