Bob McGraw is in his 12th year of college, goofing his way through life. Bob, Irwing, Gonzer and Max are the four losers forced and bribed to represent their university in an intercollegiate raft race. Forced and bribed into this role, they make some friends, the lovely Heather Merriweather, but mostly enemies, among others a whole team of marines, and preppy IVY-leaguers determined to win.

Genre: Comedy Actors: Blaine Novak, Carter Higbee, Cindy Avery, Dan Monahan, David Thomas, Eric Duchett, Felicity Mithen, Frank Welker, Gina Barbisan, Grant Wilson, Hap Lawrence, James Sikking, Jason Court, Jeana Keough, Jeanne Kilty, Jeff East, Jennifer Runyon, Jesse D. Goins, John Hillerman, Julia Montgomery, Julie Caspell, Katha Feffer, Kathy Sunshine Soler, Ken Gibbel, Lori Sutton, Mark Andrews, Michael T. Judge, Patricia A. Whitcher, Peggy Trentini, Robert Costanzo, Romy Windsor, Sandy Helberg, Sandy Kuykendall, Stephen Furst, Steve Gredagin, Tim Jones, Tim Matheson, Tom Nolan, Will Bledsoe Directors: Robert Butler